E02: How to create a Media Kit

E02: How to create a Media Kit


If you can’t speak Dutch you can find all tips in English below.


What is a media kit?

By definition, a media kit, or press kit is a pre-made package of information put together by a company or person that is used to promote a product or person. Media kits are often associated with product launches and person conferences. But a media kit is also of enormous importance to a content creator.


What is the importance of a media kit?

With a good media kit you can easily pitch yourself to brands, sponsors and partners. You communicate your values, including your ratings, followers and averages. Also important is the fact that you can put your favourite creations in the spotlight. The most important advantage of a media kit is that you can introduce yourself to companies, brands and sponsors in a very clear way via just one link.


What should be in your media kit?

Essentially, you can choose what you want to put in your media kit. Make sure that everything is immediately clear. Whether you work with a website, a LinkedIn page or Adshot itself, brands often have little time and you have to make sure that they can get to know you at a glance. Make sure it is immediately clear what you do and on which platform you do this. Also important is that you try to find out what the demographic of your audience is. Some things you can include are; age, gender, interests, language and location. Companies like to know who your audience is before they invest.


Definitely try to include all your relevant platforms like Instagram and TikTok. It is also important to include the look and feel of your platform in your media kit using photos, logos and other graphics.


What if you only have a few numbers? Then focus on the quality of your content. Showcase clearly what you can do and put it in a great light.


How do you create your own media kit?

There are several ways to create a media kit. Some classics are to create a website where you put all the information mentioned above in a blog style. You can create a PDF with your bio and all viable information. Put this in a ZIP file together with some pictures and send that. If you also want to engage in business, LinkedIn is definitely a platform to keep an eye on.


However, there are some difficulties with these methods. To be able to create a website you need to have some experience and not everyone has a LinkedIn profile. And most importantly, these platforms don’t automatically keep your numbers and growth up to date. Plus you are not automatically exposed to potential collaborations.


The Adshot media kit

So for this you can use the Adshot media kit. It is a super easy way to work out a functional and compact media kit yourself. It is fully customizable and automatically integrates your biggest platforms like TikTok, Twitch, Instagram and YouTube. This way, potential sponsors will immediately see your most important figures up front. Adshot automatically imports your followers, total views and those from the past 30 days.

That’s a lot of valuable information for potential partners. But also for yourself. Numbers are not always the best reference but they can give you a good idea about how your channel is performing against others.

More importantly, you can easily get to know sponsors, game creators and other brands who can contact you for possible collaborations. Everything is done on the platform itself so that also solves the practical part of such a collaboration. This way you can focus on content creation.

Looking to collaborate with brands or create a media kit within minutes?
