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Highlights from IMEC Digimeter 2023

Highlights from IMEC Digimeter 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media consumption, staying up to date of the latest trends is crucial for businesses aiming to connect effectively with their target audience. The IMEC Digimeter 2023 report offers valuable insights into shifting consumer behaviors, particularly among the 18-34 age group. Let’s delve into some of the most noteworthy findings and explore their implications for marketing strategies.

1. Decline in Daily Television Use

One significant insight from the IMEC Digimeter report is the decline in daily television use among the 18-34 demographic. This trend signals a significant shift in how younger generations engage with content, favoring digital platforms over traditional television channels. For businesses invested in television advertising, this decline underscores the importance of diversifying marketing efforts to reach audiences where they spend the most time—online. So this means that advertising on televison becomes less attractive.

2. Surge in TikTok Usage

In opposition to the declining appeal of television, TikTok has experienced a meteoric rise in monthly usage among the 18-34 age group, surpassing even its 2019 figures. While TikTok initially gained traction primarily among younger demographics, the platform’s appeal has expanded to include older users. This broadening demographic reach presents a lucrative opportunity for brands to engage with a diverse audience through innovative and authentic content on TikTok.

3. Instagram Continues to Dominate

Despite the emergence of new social media platforms, Instagram maintains its stronghold as the most popular platform among Belgians, particularly those aged 18-34. The steady increase in monthly Instagram usage since 2017 underscores the platform’s enduring relevance and appeal. For businesses seeking to connect with this demographic, leveraging Instagram’s visual-centric features and influencer partnerships can increase  engagement and brand exposure significant.

Implications for Marketing Strategies

What do these insights mean for businesses looking to refine their marketing strategies through the intresting findings of the IMEC Digimeter 2023

Firstly, it’s imperative for brands to embrace digital channels as primary vehicles for reaching and engaging with their target audience. Allocating resources towards platforms like TikTok and Instagram, where users are actively spending their time, can yield greater visibility and resonance for marketing campaigns.


Secondly, adaptability is key. As consumer preferences evolve, marketers must be prepared to adapt their strategies accordingly. This may involve rethinking advertising budgets, experimenting with new content formats, or forging strategic partnerships with influencers who hold sway over their target demographic.


Do you want to work with influencers on TikTok? Feel free to contact Adshot, a specialized Belgian influencer marketing agency, to get you started.