streamer showdown hosted by Combell

Positioning Combell in Gaming


Together with Combell, we organized the Streamer Showdown, an epic Belgian All-Star gaming tournament where four Twitch creators battled for the Streamer Showdown trophy. This unique event brought streamers and gamers together in a series of diverse challenges, ensuring an exciting competition for both participants and viewers.

In the months leading up to the final tournament, the live streamers built anticipation by creating buzz around the streamershowdown website and the upcoming showdown. Throughout the event, viewers had the chance to engage through exclusive giveaways and secret codes, making the experience even more immersive.

It’s safe to say that the campaign was a success, allowing Combell to position itself strongly within the Belgian gaming community, reaching over 2M views on TikTok, 950K Twitch views, and 6K live viewers during the final tournament.

Campaign statistics

0 M
Twitch Views
0 K
Tournament live viewers
0 K

Created Content

@abulic advertentie l 5 December 19.00 zet het nu in uw agenda! Kom kijken op mijn Twitch kanaal Abulic. Win prijzen op #combell #streamershowdown ♬ origineel geluid - abulic
@dikkesvekke #advertentie want op 5 december om 19 uur is het Streamer Showdown! Jullie kunnen ook gekke prijzen winnen, dus klik op de link om mee te doen! #streamershowdown ♬ original sound - DikkeSvekke
@laagvliet Advertentie - Zet het in uw agenda, vanaf 19u start de Streamer Showdown op mijn Twitch kanaal. & doe mee aan de giveaway op! #combell #streamershowdown ♬ origineel geluid - Laagvliet
@mr_dezz Advertentie zet 5 December 19u in jullie agenda!!! voor het grootte tournament! check !! #combell #combellpartner #streamershowdown #CapCut ♬ origineel geluid - DEZZ
@espe_be advertentie ▶️ Zet 5 december om 19u in je agenda! En check om kans te maken op een paar KNALLERS van prijzen! #combell #twitchbe #belgium ♬ origineel geluid - Espe

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