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Hogeschool VIVES 2022

Promote VIVES' offer of courses


VIVES University of Applied Sciences is a University College in West Flanders, Belgium. They are known for their up-to-date, modern programmes with options for different students.

As VIVES was organizing their annual “open campus days” they were looking for ways to reach young people online who were looking to start a new programme.


But, reaching a young audience online while remaining authentic isn’t an easy thing to do. Informing this particular age group about school programs is an even harder thing to do as school isn’t always a very entertaining subject for this target audience. That’s why it was essential to spread light-hearted, fun content that was also informative.


So how did we reach this audience while also remaining authentic, engaging and entertaining? Adshot set up an influencer marketing campaign using 5 amazing Belgian TikTok all-stars; Timonverbeeck, Jietsepauwaert, Angel of Kurkdroog, Bruinejongen, and Marciamatthys. All creators got assigned a particular program to promote. Therefore they visited the campus and the classes, and created amazing TikTok content. All the content got uploaded on the TikTok profile of VIVES and turned into TikTok Spark Ads.


All TikToks got a combined number of 4.460.525 views and reached more than 32.509 likes. The VIVES TikTok profile saw an increase of 1.426 new followers.

Campaign statistics

TikTok Views
0 M
0 K
New Followers
0 K

Participating influencers

Timon Verbeeck
Jietse Pauwaert
Daniël Maeriën
Marcia Matthys
Angel van Kurkdroog

Created Content

@viveshogeschool Meer weten over verpleegkunde? Kom naar de infodagen op 12 en 13 maart, van 13 tot 17u! #veryvives ♬ origineel geluid - Hogeschool VIVES
@viveshogeschool Meer weten over Media & Entertainment Business? Kom naar de infodagen op 12 en 13 maart, van 13 tot 17u! #veryvives ♬ origineel geluid - Hogeschool VIVES
@viveshogeschool Meer weten over onze sportopleidingen? Kom naar de infodagen op 12 en 13 maart, van 13 tot 17u! #veryvives ♬ origineel geluid - Hogeschool VIVES
@viveshogeschool Meer weten over orthopedagogische begeleiding? Kom naar de infodagen op 12 en 13 maart, van 13 tot 17u! #veryvives ♬ origineel geluid - Hogeschool VIVES

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