The WWF cacao campaign set out with an ambitious goal: to reach 200,000 youngsters and raise awareness about sustainable chocolate choices. Not only did the campaign meet its target—it far surpassed it, reaching an impressive 571,520 unique young viewers through just four TikTok videos.
Beyond sheer visibility, the campaign achieved outstanding organic engagement, proving that the right content can spark genuine interest and interaction. With 198,590 organic views, this campaign ranks among the highest-performing initiatives we have run so far, demonstrating the power of TikTok’s format when combined with relevant, holiday-themed content. The use of the popular vox pop interview style also played a crucial role in making the campaign feel relatable, fun, and highly shareable.
The engagement metrics further highlight the campaign’s success.
By blending engaging, timely, and authentic storytelling, the campaign not only exceeded expectations but also reinforced the importance of digital-first activism in today’s landscape. With its strong resonance among young audiences, it serves as a blueprint for future sustainability-focused social media campaigns.
@laurafromthedesert On a mission to find the most sustainable chocolate thanks to the Chocolate Scorecard developed by WWF and others 🍫 Are you ready to discover which chocolate is better for people and planet? Read more about it: and let's combat deforestation together! Project financed by DGD België. #deforestation #together4forests #wwfyouth #wwf #WWFEcuador ♬ original sound - Laura Van De Woestyne
@wout_sprangers Advertentie I Kies voor sustainable chocolade! :chocolate_bar: Ik trok deze week op pad in Mechelen met de vraag of het volk het verschil merkt tussen GREEN FLAG en RED FLAG chocolade. Jammer genoeg dus niet :confused: vanaf nu vooral voor Sustainable chocolade, deze kan je zoeken aan de hand van de Chocolate Scorecard, ontwikkeld door WWF en andere partners ... via de link in de comments!! Project gefinancierd door DGD België+ #chocolade #deforestation #together4forests #wwfyouth #wwf ♬ origineel geluid - Wout Sprangers
@encorepanda29 🌱 La déforestation n’est pas une fatalité, agissons ensemble ! 🌱 Saviez-vous que l’industrie du chocolat peut avoir un impact considérable sur nos forêts ? Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence en choisissant des produits plus respectueux de la planète. 🌍 💡 Découvrez quels acteurs prennent leurs responsabilités grâce à cette Scorecard du chocolat et informez-vous sur l’impact de vos choix : lien dans le premier commentaire 👇 👉 Engageons-nous pour un avenir durable. Chaque geste compte ! ✊ #deforestation #together4forests #wwfyouth #wwf ♬ son original - Panda
@eletalk Devine l’ingrédient secret et je t’offre la tablette de chocolat avec @WWF 👀🍫 -projet financé par la DGD Belgique- Chocolate Scorecard expliquée à la fin 🥰 #eletalk #microtrottoir #bruxelles #belgique #humour #micro #interview #deforestation #together4forests #wwfyouth #wwf ♬ son original - eletalk