Top 10 Belgium TikTok Influencers to watch in 2023


TikTok has become a cultural phenomenon, with millions of users creating and sharing viral videos on the platform. In the world of TikTok, influencers play a key role, in attracting huge followers and shaping the trends and content on the platform. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve in TikTok, you won’t want to miss these top 10 TikTok influencers to watch in Belgium in 2023.


We’ve also included some branded collaborations we’ve done with some of these creators to provide you with inspiration about the value they can bring to your brand!


Alizée is the big sister to your little sister and brother. With her developed sense of humor, she is sharing her many adventures around the globe. She loves to understand the difference between cultures. Back in Belgium for the moment, she will amaze you with her creativity and talent.

Example Adshot Collaboration for Febelfin


Les réflexes à avoir: 1. Appeler la banque 2. Appeler Card Stop 3. Changer ses codes 4. Porter plainte auprès de la police @febelfin

♬ son original - Liz


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DikkeSvekke is a creator, streamer, and organizer of Comic Con Brussels. Just as last year, Dikkesvekke was nominated again this year for the Kastiop Award for game-streaming. However, his TikTok is definitely worth a look (or a follow) too, as his videos are packed with funny sound effects and filters. You can expect geeky content about gaming, collectibles, TV series, and much more.

Example Adshot Collaboration: The Last of Us Series on Streamz


#advertentie #TheLastOfUs sinds 16 januari elke maandag te zien op @Streamz ! Waar kijken jullie naar uit? #nuopstreamz

♬ original sound - DikkeSvekke


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Freia, “your local hotspot girl,” was nominated in the “upcoming talent” and “lifestyle” categories during the Jamies, an award show that celebrates content creators in various areas. In her entertaining TikTok videos, she takes you through her day in a true TikTok Vlogstyle format.

She’s also a pro at integrating brand collaborations into her vlog. Example Adshot collab for Bpost, which achieved 163K (!) organic views


Wist jij dat deze bpost pakjesautomaten bestonden? PUBLICITEIT #bpost#dayinmylife#sustainibility#kledingmerk#leuven

♬ love nwantinti (ah ah ah) - CKay

Jietse Pauwaert

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Jietse began his TikTok career by drawing sketches of his mother who originates from West Flanders. Jietse is now a TikTok view-and-like cannon, primarily by creating amazing sketches that are very relatable for school-aged audiences (or nostalgic for older folks!). That is also why he was an excellent choice for one of our VIVES High School promotion campaigns last year.

Example Adshot collab for VIVES


Meer weten over onze sportopleidingen? Kom naar de infodagen op 12 en 13 maart, van 13 tot 17u! #veryvives

♬ origineel geluid - Hogeschool VIVES

Timon Verbeeck

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Timon creates longer, hilarious sketches for children and youth. He is known for his absurd characters (like the French teacher) and his typical red morph suit. His most popular format is “WAYS HOW TO…”.In 2021, Timon’s word “Ma Stobbe” was proclaimed the most popular Belgian word for children. His fame on TikTok even further evolved as he won “The Golden K award” from Ketnet as the most celebrated TikToker in 2022.

Example Adshot collab for Proximus


Manieren om voetbal te kijken! Doe mee met de Proximus-wedstrijd via de link in mijn bio! #linkinbio #comedy #belgium #voorjou

♬ origineel geluid - timonverbeeck

Jonathan Krego

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As a former Voice of Belgium candidate, Jonathan is a truly gifted TikToker and artist who creates a lot of comic TikToks that feature his own songs. His song “Patate” even got 433,396 (!) views on YouTube. Krego, with a lowercase k, has only one thing bigger than his talent: his heart and joy. If you need a good mood boost, you must follow Jonathan Krego.


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Angel, also known as Kurkdroog, has a really funny TikTok that works well as an extension of his YouTube channel. He also has a podcast that features famous guests. A lot of content evolves around doing street interviews with students, where he grasps their knowledge by asking trivia questions. Another really funny type from Kurkdroog is “AbdelPadel.” Definitely go check him out (and laugh!) with his TikToks.

Example Adshot collab for VOKA Openbedrijvendag


Advertentie | Voor de VOKA open bedrijvendag op 2 oktober bezocht ik de Agentschap MDK . Ontdek de deelnemende bedrijven op de website van VOKA open Bedrijvendag!

♬ origineel geluid - AngelvanKurkdroog

Lemed TV

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Lemed is a famous and lighthearted streamer with 50K+ followers on Twitch. However, his fame doesn’t stop there, as he has 517K followers on TikTok and 200K on YouTube, which he gained from two factors: his funny “reaction” gaming videos and his engineer mindset for tackling the creator economy. Meihdi is definitely one of the gamers you want to follow in 2023!

Example Adshot collab for Proximus


Tentez de gagner une PS5 ou un Samsung galaxy S22 grâce à la fiber hyper run de Proximus ✨ #proximusfiberrun @proximus

♬ son original - LemedTV sur twitch


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Ziczackitty is a streamer, artist, gamer, and TikToker. That’s a mouthful. No wonder her TikTok content is quite diverse, as it consists of funny memes, lip-syncs, POVs (point-of-views), and other comical things related to her life as a streamer and artist. We are 100% convinced Esther will continue to grow her TikTok in 2023!

Example Adshot collab for Streamz: Halo Series


#advertentie #streamz Check nu de Halo series op Streamz! #streamz #halo #haloseries @streamz @FACTSConvention #gaming #twitchbe #factsconvention

♬ original sound - Ziczackitty


View Profile


Daniel is a super-enthusiastic TikToker who demonstrates high energy levels in each of his videos. Besides the fact that he creates highly relatable sketches, he is also a very talented freestyle rapper.

Example Adshot collab for VIVES


Meer weten over Media & Entertainment Business? Kom naar de infodagen op 12 en 13 maart, van 13 tot 17u! #veryvives

♬ origineel geluid - Hogeschool VIVES



In conclusion, TikTok continues to be a growing platform in Belgium, and the influencers on this list are the ones to watch as they continue to shape the creative landscape of the app. From comedy and dance to fashion and beauty, these TikTok influencers are bringing their unique perspectives and talents to the forefront. Whether you’re a fan of the platform or just looking to get started, following these top 10 TikTok influencers is a great place to start. So go ahead, hit the follow button, and stay tuned for more exciting content!


Do you want to work with these influencers or other talents on TikTok? Feel free to contact Adshot, a specialized Belgian influencer marketing agency, to get you started.
