What to Put in Your Twitch/YouTube Description?

What to Put in your Twitch/YouTube Description?

Updating your Twitch/Youtube description – the dreaded task that every content creator needs to do eventually. Some people put it aside because there is always something better or more important to do. It’s not fun, it takes time, and no one will read it anyway. Others stress about it because they don’t know what to write, and they want it to be perfect.


We understand – it’s challenging to write about yourself. But, to be fair, your channel description is one of the most important things, right after the content that you put out there.


Your community wants to be on top of everything, so updating your channel description from time to time helps you get everyone up to speed and engaged.


Also, brands looking for new influencers always go through channel info to source new talent. They want to know who you are, your stats and contact details. If your information is outdated (or worse – not even there yet), you are potentially losing out on great partnership opportunities.


So make sure you update everything and that you do it just right.


There are 5 main things that your Twitch/Youtube description absolutely needs to cover:


1. Email address


Simple. Obvious. Overlooked almost 100% of the time.


A good business email is the very fundament of your description. Make sure it’s there and make sure it’s visible. 


When companies look for new influencers, they need a way to contact you immediately. They don’t have time to sift through your profile to hunt for your contact details. If you want to be ‘smart’ and hide your email address in a wall of text or behind a clickable image – don’t.


You can use a personal email address but bear in mind that it will be visible to everyone and may not look that professional. Think twice if that’s really what you want to go for.


Best email addresses tend to connect to your brand, so go with your Twitch/YouTube nick, and you will be ok.


2. Basic info


This may not sound like the most important information to you, but things such as country and language are the key to establishing relationships with companies looking for influencers.




When a brand launches a campaign, they target specific groups of people within a specific country. They want content creators in Belgium who speak French or Swedish influencers who speak English. And since they need a particular person to partner up with, they need to know if you fit the bill.


If you include this information in your description, you are actively helping out brands to find you much quicker exactly when they need you.


3. Content schedule


This one is equally important for your community, as it is for all companies looking for new influencers.


When are you on? What is the best time to tune into your channel for new content?


If you have a schedule up, your fans will know when to come to your channel to watch new videos or hang out with you.


Brands can use that info to check out your content and see how often they can expect new things if they decide to partner up with you. For some companies, it’s all about quality content. Others will focus on daily updates. If you have a schedule up they can check it out and decide right there and then if you’re the right person for them.


4. Social media


Are you on Twitter? Do you use Instagram? Patreon, anyone?


A lot of content creators don’t just limit themselves to one social media platform. If you can be found anywhere else – let everyone know about it.


Link all of the social media channels you use. But be honest with yourself – a Twitter account with 5 tweets from 3 months ago is not exactly worth mentioning (or using – if you’re not really into updating it anytime soon).


By linking other platforms you’re active on you are not only keeping in touch with your community. You are also showing brands that you are the real deal. An energetic, out-going influencer worth investing in.


5. Achievements & successes


List the number of your subscribers and followers on other social media channels. It’s quick and easy to do, plus it gives companies a solid idea of what they can expect from you.


But look beyond that.

Are you an important figure within the gaming scene? Are you a professional player or a speedrunner? Did you do any tournaments recently? Do you have a gaming blog or do reviews for one of the big gaming portals? Are you famous or at least well-known in some circles?


If you said yes to any of the above, but you didn’t state it clearly in your profile, you are probably missing out on some big partnerships.


People that look for influencers may not know about you, and it is in your best interest to let them know all the details that may be important for them.


That is all when it comes to the basics in your Twitch/Youtube description. Do you feel more confident in putting together your profile now?


Let us know how it goes on our discord and if you get any great partnerships heading your way!
