Why Are Action Based Giveaways The Future of Influencer Marketing?


Why Are Action Based Giveaways The Future of Influencer Marketing? 


Giveaways were a relevant and valuable part of digital marketing even before social media took this trend to the extreme. Because let’s be honest here – Everyone loves free stuff, and most people are willing to invest a little bit of their time to get a chance of winning something new and exciting.


What is great about giveaways is that there are no right or wrong ways to go about them. You can target any audience, give away any kind of product, and create your own rules on how to participate and win. It is an incredibly flexible concept that can work effectively for almost any type of business: From food and accessories to clothes and video games.


Giveaway strategy explained step by step


No matter if you want to drive traffic to your website, boost your brand awareness, get more email subscribers or social media followers or simply generate sales for your up and coming products – a well-organised giveaway campaign can be the solution for almost any of your issues. 


By setting the right goals and strictly defining the actions that all viewers must take in order to participate, you can get the exact results that you’re aiming for. The best giveaways out there have multiple purposes and cover a range of actions that are unintrusive, fast and easy to take from the viewer perspective.


There are great tools out there, such as gleam, that will help you plan, organise, and run everything without taking up too much of your time and enabling the campaign to go viral.


Giveaways don’t have to cost you an arm and a leg


As long as the prize you choose meets 3 criteria:

  • It’s relevant to the audience
  • It’s strongly connected to the brand
  • It has high perceived value

your giveaway has a great chance to be successful.


What we mean by that is that, first of all, you should define the specific type of person that your giveaway will target and then cater specifically to them. A free monthly gym membership will be worthless for a couch potato, but it will be a big deal for a fitness junkie. Since the actual value of the prize is secondary, this campaign type can potentially reduce the marketing cost for the brand significantly.


And remember – Hosting a giveaway on your social media channels is a fantastic idea, but partnering up with other brands or influencers dramatically increases your reach.


One of the most fundamental purposes of a giveaway is to broaden your audience. Get more followers. Introduce more people to your brand. 


Limiting yourself to your existing channels will slow down your growth, so don’t be afraid of reaching out and partnering up. 


By working together with content creators, you can interject your brand with an existing community and enter completely new territory. You are almost guaranteed a positive response since you come bearing gifts and supporting the influencer that the viewers are already emotionally invested in. It’s a win-win situation. 


How to do it well? Take a look at the Dunkin’ Donuts campaign below. 


Dunkin Donuts partnered with multiple Belgian video game influencers to create online buzz about their first store opening in Antwerp.



The company  used a mix of giveaways and influencer endorsement to put their brand out there and get the interest of local audiences. All while showcasing picture-perfect, delicious donuts in national colours on Instagram.



This smart and quick giveaway capitalised on a few basic points:

  • Time limits and deadlines push people to act fast, without thinking – Since the giveaway ended soon, it drove quick engagement
  • It was easy and straightforward to enter – By giving viewers multiple ways to participate, they could choose the most convenient one for them 
  • People who already invested in the giveaway are very likely to go an extra mile and complete additional tasks – By rewarding people for taking additional actions with extra giveaway entries, the brand created a snowball effect


Because of this focused approach, the 3-day giveaway generated 290 new followers on Dunkin’ Donuts’ BE Instagram page and over 270 downloads of the Dunkin’ Donuts app without any previous presence on the local market.


How can we help you run successful giveaways?


At Adshot we can not only connect you with some of the hottest YouTube, Twitch and TikTok creators but also streamline your partnerships with them


We can take care of everything for you – from outlining your campaign goals, and setting up the right tools, to finding just the right content creators for the job.


Influencer marketing has never been so easy.


If you have any questions – We can help. Just contact us! We will talk you through all the ins and outs, help you address your influencer marketing concerns, and put you on track with a strong, successful giveaway campaign that will give your brand a boost.
